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AI-powered health tech company Deep Medical has partnered with Cisco’s Webex to reduce the global backlog of patients waiting for medical care and missed appointments.

Webex by Cisco is a company developing video and conference call technology. Leveraging Deep Medical’s AI, Webex will be able to personalise its video call technology for use by healthcare professionals.

Creating a more personalised Webex portal will help patients feel connected and comfortable when calling their doctors.

Deep Medical’s AI can be used to make video calls more accessible to patients who are deaf or visually impaired.

However, its AI can also be used to create analytics based on how a patient messages and calls their doctor. This data can then be used to help patients show up to appointments.

In research conducted by Deep Medical, doctors were able to better plan appointments and check-ups by understanding a patient’s mobility or socioeconomic environment. During trial usage of Deep Medical’s AI analytics, missed appointments decreased by a third.

If implemented nationwide in the UK, Deep Medical projects that its AI could save doctors around £30 for every £1 that was invested into its roll out.

Dr Benyamin Deldar, a former NHS doctor and Deep Medical’s founder, stated that Deep Medical’s AI software was already helping to cut down on the £1.5bn lost in missed appointments each year.

“As a former NHS Doctor, I’ve witnessed first-hand the challenges patients face in accessing timely healthcare,” he said.

“The partnership with Webex by Cisco represents a pivotal moment in our mission to improve patient care and work alongside global healthcare organisations such as the NHS to help tackle the backlog, accessing everyone’s individual needs through the best means of communication to help tackle health inequality.”